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Experiential Shopping with AR

My Role



Anshika Saxena and Yiting Zheng

Product Designer

2 Weeks - Fall 2022

SI 559 (University of Michigan ) - Introduction to AR/VR Design

Project Context

User Research, Interaction Design, High-Fidelity prototyping with AR


What was the problem?

The shopping stores have varied layouts everywhere. It becomes challenging and time consuming for users to navigate in stores and purchase their stuff.  

For our mini AR project, we are designing an application the the user can use through their mobile phones. The application will create a shopping buddy and help the shopper to quickly locate their items and shop without wasting time.

Final AR Prototype

Try out Adobe Aero Interactions

Wireframing and Story boarding

Paper Prototype

Navigating the shopper to the item location.

Key Interactions of the application

The shopping buddy displays the offers through the aisle for easy access.

Scanning the products, cart for easy payments.

Succeeded and Failed In

The version iterations helped us better understand the proportions of the components to develop and design the final prototype better.


We really enjoyed learning Adobe Aero as it seemed as an easier software to achieve good goals for prototyping.


By filming our final prototype in the real space we could better understand the use of our idea and product.

As a team the learning aspect for the concept generation and application was more as we helped each other in understanding it better. 



Thank you!

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